#### A perspective on DH development ** Jamie Folsom, Performant Software ** - Performant Software - https://www.performantsoftware.com/ - These slides - https://performant-software.github.io/slides/ach/ - [My notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yGZC8WRjvmReoWGwp7lKXTbBZ5vPTZbTneY0MEvsqAI/edit?usp=sharing) - [@jamiefolsom](https://twitter.com/jamiefolsom) and [@performantsoft](https://twitter.com/performantsoft)
#### A perspective on DH development ** A persistent, and useful tension ** - A humanist by training, a developer by experience - First, some examples that illustrate a tension - Then an approach that's shaped by that tension
#### Examples ** Mapping Projects ** - Similarities: Maps + Data + Search - Differences: Goals + Roles + Tech
#### Examples ** A Project: [Itinerary](http://hofstra.github.io/itinerary/plague-year/) ** | Goals | Roles | Tech | |---|---|---| | Relate events to polygons. | Faculty wrangles data; Developer hand-codes many-to-many relationships | Jekyll, leaflet, mapwarper, csv, geojson | | Relate events to points and paths on a map. | Developer builds a CMS; Faculty enters records, points and paths | A custom “headless CMS”, REST API, a relational database.|
#### Examples ** A Tool: [Neatline](https://neatline-3-staging.herokuapp.com/s/public-site/neatline/show/narrative-present/edit/311) ** | Goals | Roles | Tech | |---|---|---| | Data from Omeka can be mapped. | Developer extends Omeka; scholars build exhibits with data from Omeka. | Easy to use plugin for Omeka; tightly-coupled. | | Data from Omeka S can be mapped | Developer extends Omeka S; scholars build exhibits with data from Omeka S. | Easy to use plugin for Omeka S. | | Data from non-Omeka sources can be mapped. | Developers create adapters for other CMS; scholars build exhibits from a wider range of data. | Easy to use SPA talking to REST APIs. |
#### Examples ** A Platform: [Labo Paris XVIII](http://hardy.laboparis.org/map) ** | Goals | Roles | Tech | |---|---|---| | Map event data from one historical source.| Scholars convert source into data; developer builds db and map.| Source-specific database, data entry tools, visualization | | Map event data from another source. | Scholars create CSV files; codes LOD lookups | LOD consumption | | Data from any source can be captured, cross-referenced, searched spatially, and visualized | Scholars work on new sources of data; Developers assemble “toolchain”, query tools, visualizations | Flexible schemata; LOD publishing. Spatial database. |
#### An Approach to DH Development ** Goals and Participants Should Shape Tech ** - Software design should support project goals - Projects should facilitate participation and learning - Specific first; general later; one-offs are not the enemy!
#### Thank You ** My Info ** - Jamie Folsom - Performant Software - https://www.performantsoftware.com/ - These slides - https://performant-software.github.io/slides/ach/ - [My notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yGZC8WRjvmReoWGwp7lKXTbBZ5vPTZbTneY0MEvsqAI/edit?usp=sharing) - [@jamiefolsom](https://twitter.com/jamiefolsom) and [@performantsoft](https://twitter.com/performantsoft)